
WriterAna Lungu, Iris Spiridon
Top castIris Spiridon, István Téglás, László Mátray, Marius Manole
Release Year2018
Runtime 1h35


Iris SpiridonIris
Marius ManoleMarius
István TéglásIstvan
László MátrayLászló Féhér
Dantes BobaianuThe priest
Sasa BerceanuThe daughter of Marius
Razvan AlexeHighschool boyfriend
George GâdeiA friend of Iris
Emilian OpreaDan
Radu AfrimRadu
Razvan MaziluThe theater director
Miruna BerindeiA client
Dan LunguA client
Iulia PopoviciQ&A moderator


One and a Half Prince is a film about family. Not the traditional one, but a different kind of family: three friends living together. A single woman, a divorced father and a gay man with a dog share an apartment in Bucharest.

When the woman falls in love with a Hungarian writer from Transylvania, her friends are jealous and call him a peasant. The writer is handsome, smart, he loves animals and even has a horse, so she sees him as a prince. The happy family could break up at any moment.



CRONICĂ DE FILM Cum trecem peste moartea unui prieten? Este întrebarea care traversează discret noul film realizat de tânăra regizoare Ana Lungu, stilizatul „Un prinţ şi jumătate”, care îi are în rolurile principale pe Iris Spiridon, Marius Manole şi István Teglas.

Ionuț Mareș | Ziarul Metropolis

24 august 2018 | Full review ↗